How to Identify an Object Using Electric or Acoustic Sense
Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques (IHPST), Paris 6e Speaker: Han Wang (Ecole polytechnique)
Commentator: Anouk Barberousse (CNRS; University of Lille I)

Where Does a Random Walk Lead? The Case of a Clever Self-repelling Burglar
Ecole normale supérieure 45, rue d’Ulm, aile Rataud - Paris Ve Speaker: Laure Dumaz (University of Cambridge)
Commentator: Vincent Danos (CNRS; University of Edinburgh)

Counting in Single Cells
University of Edinburgh Speaker: Burak Okumus (Harvard University)
Commentator: Meriem el Karoui (University of Edinburgh)

Three Kinds of Crisis, Three Ways Out: Viewpoints from the Disciples of Keynes, Polanyi and Marx
Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques (IHPST) 13, rue du Four - Paris 6e Speaker: Gilles Raveaud (University of Paris VIII)
Commentator: Jean-Bernard Chatelain (University of Paris I)

What We Can Learn from the Electric Sense of Fish
Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques (IHPST) 13, rue du Four - Paris 6e Speaker: Thomas Boulier (Ecole polytechnique)
Commentator: Guillaume Lecointre (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle)

Can the U.S. Shale Revolution Be Duplicated in Europe?
La Salle Chevalier, Ecoles des Mines - 60, boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris 6e Speaker: Aurélien Saussay (OFCE)
Discutants : Jean-Louis Beffa (Lazard, Cournot Foundation) and Jérôme Gleizes (Université Paris XIII)

Quantum Turing Testing
La Salle Chevalier, Ecoles des Mines - 60, boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris 6e Speaker: Elham Kashefi (University of Edinburgh, CNRS)
Commentator: Damian Markham (CNRS)

The Role of Economic Models in Low-carbon Policymaking
La Salle Chevalier, Ecoles des Mines - 60, boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris 6e Speaker: Frédéric Ghersi (CNRS, CIRED)
Commentator: Bruno Bensasson (GDF Suez Energie France)

The Nature of Oil Shocks Matters
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Jérôme Créel (OFCE/Sciences Po Paris)
Commentator: Frédéric Ghersi (CNRS, CIRED)

Proximity as a Source of Comparative Advantage
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Elizaveta Archanskaia (KU Leuven)
Commentator: Jean-Bernard Chatelain (Université Paris I)

Does France Have a Productive Model?
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Xavier Ragot (CNRS)
Commentator: Robert Boyer (Institute of the Americas)

Correlation-based Imaging in Random Media
Centre Cournot - Paris Presented by the Schools of Informatics, GeoSciences and The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Speaker: Josselin Garnier (University Paris VII and the Cournot Centre)

30 Years of Public–Private Partnerships: A Macroeconomic Assessment
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Frédéric Marty (CNRS)
Commentator: Jean Bensaïd (Caisse des dépôts et consignations – CDC)
Presentation_Frédéric Marty (2.3 MiB)

Exiting Deflation: When and How?
Centre Cournot - Paris Speakers: Robert Boyer (Institute of the Americas, Paris) et Xavier Timbeau (OFCE)
Commentator: Gilles Raveaud (Université Paris VIII)

Can Energy Be Reduced to Probability? Biology between Statistical Physics and Computer Programming
Centre Cournot - ParisSpeaker: Vincent Danos (University of Edinburgh)

Co-determination and the Crisis
Centre Cournot - ParisSpeaker: Bernard Gazier (Université Paris I)

Making Noise to Hear Better? Regularization by Noise in Analysis
Centre Cournot - ParisSpeaker: Rémi Catellier (University of Paris – Dauphine)

Is Co-determination Compatible with French Capitalism?
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Robert Boyer (Institut des Amériques)
Discutants: Jean-Louis Beffa (Fondation Cournot) et Christophe Clerc (Pinsent-Masons)

Co-determination à la française
Centre Cournot - Paris Speakers: Christophe Clerc (Pinsent Masons) and Jean-Louis Beffa (Cournot Foundation, Banque Lazard)
Commentator: Udo Rehfeldt (Institut de recherches économiques et sociales)

Information et probabilités en biologie
Centre Cournot - ParisSpeaker: Pierre-Henri Gouyon (Muséum d’histoire naturelle)

Noise from a Stochastic Perspective
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Josselin Garnier (Université Paris VII)
Commentator: Nicole El Karoui (École Polytechnique)

Is Everything Stochastic?
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Glenn Shafer (Rutgers Business School)
Commentator: Michel Armatte (Centre Alexandre Koyré)

Quantification of the Brain
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Pascal Legendre (INSERM)
Commentator: Alain Desrosières (INSEE) et Jean-Philippe Lachaux (INSERM)

Computer Science as a Probability Science: the Case of Speech Recognition
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Alexander Waibel (Carnegie Mellon University)
Commentators: Jean-Marie Pierrel (Université de Nancy-II) et Franck Varenne (Université de Rouen / C.N.R.S.)

Spurious Regressions
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Jean-Bernard Chatelain (Université Paris-I)
Commentator: Xavier Ragot (Banque de France)
Prisme correspondant: Comment bien régresser : la statistique peut-elle se passer d’artefacts ?

What Do Probability Applications Say About Their Meaning?
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Thierry Martin (IHPST, University of Besançon)
Commentator: Thomas Heams (Agroparistech)

The Keynesian Concept of Uncertainty
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: André Orléan (CNRS)
Commentator: Michèle Leclerc (EHESS)

Three Sources of Probability Calculations in the 18th Century
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Michel Armatte (Centre Alexandre Koyré)
Commentator: Pierre-Charles Pradier (Université Paris-I)

The Probabilization of Risk
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Pierre-Charles Pradier (Université Paris I)
Commentators: Yuri Biondi (C.N.R.S.) et Nicole El Karoui (École Polytechnique)
Prisme correspondant: Peut-on prendre des risques quand on n’est pas sûr de savoir ?

Bayesian Confirmation Theory
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Mikaël Cozic (École Normale Supérieure)
Commentator: Brian Hill (G.R.E.G.H.E.C.)

Stochastic Models of Decision Making
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Jérôme Sackur (École Normale Supérieure)
Commentator: Catherine Tallon-Baudry (C.N.R.S.)

The Autonomization of Probability as a Science: The Experience of a Probabilist
Centre Cournot - Paris Intervenante : Nicole El Karoui (École Polytechnique)
Commentator: Michel Armatte (Centre Alexandre Koyré)
Prisme correspondant: Un moment de l’expérience probabiliste

The Random Expression of Genes: Probability or Biological Parameter?
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Thomas Heams (I.N.R.A.)
Commentator: Franck Varenne (C.N.R.S.)
Corresponding Prisme: Towards a Probabilistic Theory of Life

Controversies of Quantification since Cournot
Centre Cournot - Paris Speaker: Alain Desrosières (INSEE)
Commentator: André Orléan (CNRS)