2022 / 2023
The “Initiation to Probability” programme introduces probability theory to middle-school students in Educational Priority Areas. The volunteer students from 6th to 9th grades are guided by mathematician and École Polytechnique Professor Josselin Garnier.
The aim of the Cournot workshops is to have the students work on a probability research project throughout the school year. The workshops take place at the school. At the end of their research project, the students participate in an annual conference organized by the French association for the promotion of mathematics, Math en Jeans. They present the results of their work using different media: an auditorium presentation, a stand with posters and interactive games, and an article published in the conference proceedings.
2020 / 2021
With the support of the Fondation Engie, the Cournot Fondation has launched its third year of “Initiation to probability”, a programme that introduces probability theory to middle-school students in Educational Priority Areas. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Collège des Petits Ponts à Clamart (92) in the Paris region. The volunteer students from 6th to 9th grades are guided by mathematician and École Polytechnique Professor Josselin Garnier.
2019 / 2020
With the support of the Fondation Engie, the Cournot Fondation has launched its second year of “Initiation to probability”, a programme that introduces probability theory and economics to middle-school students in Priority Education Networks (REP) in France. For the 2019–2020 school year, the project will be carried out in collaboration with the Collège des Petits Ponts à Clamart (92), a REP middle school in the Paris region.
The aim of the Cournot workshops is to have the students work on a research project throughout the school year. The weekly, half-day workshops take place at the school and are organized by middle-school mathematics teacher Clément Martin; the programme is coordinated by Josselin Garnier, mathematics professor at the École polytechnique. The topic of the 2019–2020 workshops is the study of board games.
The Foundation is working in collaboration with the French association for the promotion of mathematics, MATh.en.JEANS (MeJ), to carry out the project. In the spring, the students will participate in MATh.en.JEANS’ annual conference to present the results of their workshops using different media: an auditorium presentation, a stand with posters, interactive games and an article to be published in the conference proceedings at the end of the school year.
For more information, go to:

École polytechnique - Palaiseau
Clément Martin (Collège des Petits Ponts, Clamart) and
Josselin Garnier (École Polytechnique)
As part of the Cournot programme for middle school students in Priority Education Networks (REP) in France, Josselin Garnier, Professor at the École Polytechnique, hosted, along with their mathematics teacher Clément Martin, a group of volunteer middle-school students from the Collège des Petits Ponts in Clamart for a morning dedicated to games of probability: the game of the maximum and board games.
2018 / 2019
The programme « Initiation to probablity », supported by the Fondation Engie, was launched in 2018 and carried out in collaboration with the Collège des Petits Ponts à Clamart (92), a REP middle school in the Paris region. Volunteer students, aged 13-15, spent the year exploring three experimental games:
- the game of double or quits
- the game of martingales: heads or tails?
- the game of the maximum.
Article written by the students and published in the 2019 conference proceedings of the association Maths-en-jeans:

Math en Jeans National Conference
SaclayAs part of its Initiation to Probability program for middle-school students from Priority Education networks (REP) in France, the Cournot Foundation sponsored students from the Collège des Petits Ponts in Clamart, near Paris, to attend the annual national conference of the association Math en Jeans at CentraleSupélec Higher Education and Research Institution in Saclay. The students had a stand, presenting the methods and results of their work on the game of maximum.

Initiation to Probability: Middle-School Students Take on Martingales
École polytechnique - Palaiseau
Clément Martin (Collège des Petits Ponts, Clamart) and
Josselin Garnier (École Polytechnique)
As part of the Cournot programme for middle school students in Priority Education Networks (REP) in France, Josselin Garnier, Professor at the École Polytechnique, hosted, along with their mathematics teacher Clément Martin, a group of 14 and 15-year-olds from the Collège des Petits Ponts in Clamart for an afternoon dedicated to games of probability: the game of double or quits, the game of martingales, and the game of the maximum.