Cournot Centre

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October 2024

Does competition regulation still play a role in the organisation of the digital industry in Europe?

Speaker: Frédéric Marty (OFCE)

Tuesday 28 March - 14:00-17:00

Can the "German Model" be ajusted ?

on the OFCE premises

14:00 - 14:15
Introduction: Is Europe ailing from Germany?
Xavier Timbeau (OFCE), Jean Philippe Touffut (Cournot Centre)

14:15 - 15:15
The geopolitical environment and the German model
H.-Helmut Kotz (Harvard University), Xavier Timbeau (OFCE)

15:15 - 15:30
Coffee break

15:30 - 16:30
Employment issues and policy perspectives
Ekkehard Ernst (ILO), Jeanne Fagnani (Université Paris I)

TUESDAY, 31 MAY 2022, 10:00 AM -12:00 PM (LOS ANGELES) | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (NEW YORK) | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (PARIS)

How Can Banks Take into Account Climate Risk in Their Lending Portfolio?


Panel discussion on the Climate Extended Risk Model (CERM)
with Josselin Garnier (École Polytechnique) and Anne Gruz (Iggaak)

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Anne Gruz (Iggaak)





Based on the contributions of:
Xavier Timbeau (OFCE),
Hans-Helmut Kotz (Goethe University / Harvard University) with Ekkehard Ernst (ILO)
Bernard Gazier (Université Paris I / Centre Cournot)
Robert Boyer ( Institut des Amériques / Centre Cournot)

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Xavier Timbeau (OFCE)

Hans-Helmut Kotz (Goethe University / Harvard University)

Post-pandemic thoughts

Cournotian ideas on the pandemic

ONLINE To know more
18 March 2020

The Coronavirus Shock: A Look at an Unprecedented Crisis


Contributors: Robert Boyer (Cournot Centre, Institute of the Americas), Ekkehard Ernst (ILO), Xavier Ragot (OFCE)

Questions & answers
Monday 10 December 2018 at 6pm

Is It All About Risk? From Life Insurance to Space Surveillance

ESCP Europe - Paris

Speakers: Nicole El Karoui (Sorbonne University), George Papanicolaou (Stanford University)

ESCP Europe
79 avenue de la République, 75011 Paris
Room 5119, Building 5, 1st Floor

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• George Papanicolaou (Stanford University)

Presentation George Papanicolaou (361 kiB).pdf

29 June 2017 from 4 pm to 6.30 pm

Market Volatility in a Rough State?

OFCE - 10 place de Catalogne, Paris XIVe

Organized with the OFCE

Speakers: Nicole El Karoui (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Josselin Garnier (Ecole polytechnique)
Mathieu Rosenbaum (Ecole polytechnique)

On financial markets, Brownian-based models have been the most widely used since the establishment of the Black and Scholes framework. These models require numerous calibrations, and their performance is sufficient as long as the data is low frequency (i.e., a few data per day). Over the last decade, with the arrival of high-frequency data, such models have no longer been able to report market observations. Researchers have thus begun looking for new methods. The most promising new path involves building models based on fractional stochastic volatility. This supposes that volatility fluctuation is driven by fractionary Brownian motion, thus introducing memory, correlation and roughness properties.

The question remains as to what these models can do: how to calculate prices, how to create a hedging strategy or how to build a replicating portfolio.

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• Nicole El Karoui (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)

• Josselin Garnier (Ecole polytechnique)

• Mathieu Rosenbaum (Ecole polytechnique)

Presentation Mathieu Rosenbaum (492 kiB).pdf

Monday, 5 December 2016, 5 pm


Ecole polytechnique campus

with :
Nicole El Karoui (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Mathieu Rosenbaum (Ecole polytechnique)
Knut Sølna (University of California at Irvine)

Xnovation Center
Ecole polytechnique campus

avenue Coriolis - 91128 Palaiseau

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Mathieu Rosenbaum (Ecole polytechnique)

Nicole El Karoui (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)

Presentation Nicole El Karoui 5-12-2016

Knut Sølna (University of California at Irvine)

Presentation Knut Sølna 5-12-2016

16 December 2015 - 6pm

Would France Be Better Off with Two Germanys?


Speakers: Robert Boyer (Institute of the Americas), Ekkehard Ernst (International Labour Organization), Baptiste Françon (University of Lorraine), Bernard Gazier (Université Paris I ; Cournot Centre), Xavier Ragot (OFCE)

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Robert Boyer (Institut des amériques)

Ekkehard Ernst (Organisation internationale du travail)

Baptiste Françon (Université de Lorraine)

Bernard Gazier (Université Paris I ; Centre Cournot)

Xavier Ragot (OFCE)

ESCP Europe
79, Avenue de la République - 75011 Paris
Salle 5119, Bâtiment 3, 1e étage


16 December 2014 – 4:30 pm

Does Social Democracy Have Economic Foundations?

79, avenue de la République, Paris

Speakers: Jean-Louis Beffa (Cournot Foundation, Lazard), Olivier Boylaud (Spezadenn), Bernard Gazier (Cournot Centre, University of Paris I), Xavier Ragot (OFCE), Udo Rehfeldt (IRES), Jean-Marc Vittori (Les Echos)

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Presentation Gazier/Boylaud (1.3 MiB)

5 pm – The Microeconomic Foundations of Social Democracy

Jean-Louis Beffa (Cournot Foundation, Lazard), Bernard Gazier (Cournot Centre, University of Paris I), Udo Rehfeldt (IRES – Institut de recherches économiques et sociales)

6:30 pm – The Political and Macroeconomic Trajectories of Social Democracy

Xavier Ragot (OFCE), Jean-Marc Vittori (Les Echos)

8 June 2012 – 2.30 pm

Redefining Potential Growth

Centre Cournot - Paris

Round table with Olivier Boylaud (Spezadenn), Ekkehard Ernst (BIT) et Xavier Timbeau (OFCE).

Presentation Ekkehard Ernst (570.9 KiB)

7 December 2011

Europe’s Economic Crisis - Transatlantic Perspectives
Panel Discussions and Book Launch

Washington, D.C.

Chaired by Robert Solow (M.I.T.)
Organized with the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University-SAIS, EU Center of Excellence, Washington, DC

Nobel Laureate Robert M. Solow and other distinguished experts discuss Europe’s economic challenges. Will Europe’s economic crisis be remembered as the moment when the EU finally cracked? Or as the spur to a more integrated and competitive Union? What does it mean for the United States? View the new release of the French translation: La crise économique européenne : Perspectives Transatlantiques , edited by Robert M. Solow and Daniel S. Hamilton

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Welcome and Introduction of New Book

Daniel Hamilton , Director, Center for Transatlantic Relations

Robert Solow , President, Cournot Centre

Morning Session I

Europe’s Economic Crisis: Transatlantic Perspectives
Martin Baily , Brookings Institution

Hans-Helmut Kotz , Harvard University

Benjamin Friedman , Harvard University

Question and Answer Session

Morning Session II

Europe’s Economic Crisis: Implications for Europe’s Future
• David Calleo, Johns Hopkins University SAIS

John Gabriel Goddard , World Bank

Daniel Hamilton , Johns Hopkins University SAIS

Question and Answer Session

19 October 2010

The Feasibility of European Monetary and Fiscal Policies

Johns Hopkins University, Kenney Auditorium, 1740 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.

Organized with Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Intervenants: Martin Baily (Brookings Institution), David Calleo (Johns Hopkins), John Gabriel Goddard (World Bank), Dan Hamilton (Johns Hopkins), Jacob Kirkegaard (Peterson Institute), Hans-Helmut Kotz (Harvard University), Xavier Ragot (CNRS), Jérôme Vandenbussche (FMI)

This conference will explore macroeconomic policy coordination in Europe. How well have EU member states responded to the economic crises? How well can they work together to advance structural reforms that can provide the basis for future European growth?

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Welcome and Introduction to the Conference

Robert Solow , Président, Cournot Centre for Economic Studies
Daniel Hamilton , Directeur, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University – SAIS

European Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Transatlantic Perspectives

• Martin Baily, Brookings Institution

Presentation Martin Baily (249.4 KiB)

Jacob Kirkegaard , Peterson Institute for International Economics

Presentation Jacob Kirkegaard (424.4 KiB)

Hans-Helmut Kotz , Harvard University

Xavier Ragot , CNRS – French National Center for Scientific Research

Presentation Xavier Ragot (19.5 KiB)

The Feasibility of European Economic Policies

David Calleo , Johns Hopkins University – SAIS

John Gabriel Goddard , The World Bank

Presentation John-Gabriel Goddard (463.3 KiB)

Daniel Hamilton , Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University-SAIS

Jérôme Vandenbussche , Fond Monétaire International

Presentation Jérôme Vandenbussche (43.7 KiB)

Questions and Answers

9 February 2009

Appeal: Towards a Common Fiscal Policy: Relaunching the Euro-zone Economies


Jean-Louis Beffa (Saint-Gobain), Gerhard Illing (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich), Inge Kaul (Hertie School of Governance), Günther Schmid (W.Z.B.), Robert Solow (M.I.T.)

Towards a Common Fiscal Policy: Relaunching the Eurozone Economies (57.8 KiB)

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27 February 2008

A Call for a European Macroeconomic Policy


Jean-Louis Beffa (Saint-Gobain), Robert Boyer (E.H.E.S.S.), Bernard Gazier (University of Paris I), Gerhard Illing (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Robert Solow (M.I.T.)

5 December 2007

The Search for a Macroeconomic Policy for Europe


Jean-Louis Beffa (Saint-Gobain), Robert Boyer (E.H.E.S.S.), Edouard Challe (C.N.R.S.), Gerhard Illing (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Xavier Ragot (C.N.R.S.), Robert Solow (M.I.T.), Eloïse Stéclebout (European Central Bank)

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